Join a WorkFour Chapter

Joining a local WorkFour chapter is your opportunity to help create a world where we all have the time and freedom to balance work with what matters most: families and friends, neighbors and communities, play and rest.

Our Chapters

If you’d like to join a chapter, fill out the form below!

  • Minnesota

    • Led by Daisy Morin and Andrew Ulasich

  • Philadelphia

    • Led by Julian Plotnick

Don’t see your state or county? If you would like to start a chapter, use the option for “I want to start a chapter” on the form. The movement is still growing and we’ll need your leadership to make the 4-day workweek a reality for everyone.

What do chapters do?

Our chapters are still relatively new, so not everything will be figured out. With that being said, here are some examples of things you could be doing with your chapter:

  • Build grassroots support for the 4-day workweek 

  • Convince local businesses to pilot the 4DWW

  • Educate and convince local leaders about the benefits of the 4DWW

Ready to join the movement?

The 4-day workweek movement is still young and we’ll need your help to build it. If you’re ready to take on this challenge, fill out the form to get started!

Note for those interested in starting a chapter:

We are currently an all-volunteer organization with limited resources, so you’ll need to be a self-starter. Your efforts and input will be invaluable to shaping the movement as a whole!