Our Vision

A world where we all have the time and freedom to balance work with what matters most: families and friends, neighbors and communities, play and rest.

Our Mission:  To make the 4-day, 32-hour workweek the standard for all in the U.S., with no loss of pay or benefits. 

Our Values

Equity: We are not satisfied with a world in which only some will have a 4-day, 32-hour workweek; we believe in a 4-day, 32-hour workweek for all. We are deeply committed to advocating for those who stand to gain the most — low-wage workers, working families, people of color, essential workers, women and caregivers.

Collaboration & Bridge-Building:  We know that we cannot accomplish our mission alone — we have a lot of hard work ahead, and success lies with engaging as broad a community as possible. We are committed to collaborating, coalition-building, and learning with folks of all kinds — even those that may not be obvious partners.  We believe radical hospitality and inclusivity is key to building a movement that will benefit us all. 

Practicality & Impact: We are ambitious but practical. We know that achieving our mission entails many incremental steps and making the most of our limited resources - we will not let perfection be the enemy of the good. We focus our small but mighty team and volunteers on areas of impact and mission alignment, and work hard to provide other resources if we can’t provide direct support.

Integrity: We know that to win a 4-day, 32-hour workweek we must also be true to our principles and values. We model best practices and leadership around work-life balance, self-care and caregiving for our core group of volunteers.