CNBC: Workers who tested 4-day workweek say they’ll never return to 5 days—or only with a huge pay bump
“Leland says Kickstarter saw some resistance from managers, since they’re the ones on the hook for making changes within their team and measuring outcomes. Any kind of process change really requires managers to be focused and clear in their expectations and tests their ability to support their teams through adjustments, he says.
A lot of it comes down to overcoming the “theater of work,” Leland adds.
“As work takes up more and more of our time, people are spending time at work resting or slacking off,” like by surfing the internet or checking social media. “A lot of that behavior is people being burned out and trying ways to recuperate while they’re working. We’d rather give people time to rest at home and come back properly focused and efficient during a shorter workweek.”